Everyone knows or has heard of the importance of having a strong and stable core for strength and sports performance, but have you ever wondered WHY? The best analogy I...
I still remember it like it was yesterday. I walked into my basement room on Mahogany Island Court around midnight in July of 2009. I had just finished the late-night...
The sentiment in the world right now is one of fear and anxiety. But what if I told you this could be the ultimate time for you to make progress...
ONE IDEA Plan your flights around jet lag. THE WHY Allocating sufficient time between your time of arrival and your competition will make the world of difference for your body...
Have you ever wondered how fast can you lose weight? Are those Hollywood makeovers or instagram videos realistic/ not realistic? Or are you trying to cut weight for a specific...
ONE IDEA If you want to optimize your results in the weight room, consider adding more variation to your training. THE WHY Variation is a fundamental principle of strength development...
ONE IDEA Not all muscle growth is created equal. THE WHY Muscle hypertrophy, which refers to increases in muscle size, has various underlying mechanisms. One fundamental distinction is the difference...
Every good conversation begins with a conceptual model. A way of thinking or examining the world. When it comes to fitness and performance, there are so many factors at play....